Welcome to iunmgs.com. In order to protect your legal rights and ensure a pleasant shopping experience, we have formulated the following refund terms. Please read these terms carefully before shopping.

  1. Refund Policy Overview
    We are committed to providing customers with a quality shopping experience. If you are not satisfied with the purchased goods, you can apply for a refund subject to the refund terms.
  2. Refund Application Time Limit
    If you wish to apply for a refund, please submit a refund application within 14 days after receiving the goods. Applications after this period will not be accepted.
  3. Refund Conditions
    Please ensure that your refund application meets the following conditions:

The goods must be unworn, unused, and keep the original packaging and tags intact.
If the goods are damaged or worn in any way, we will not be able to process the refund application.

  1. Refund Application Process
    If you meet the refund conditions, please follow the steps below to apply:
    Contact Customer Service: Contact our customer service team via email pangcui418@gmail.com or call 13148837865.
    Provide information: Please provide your order number, reason for refund, and relevant product photos.
    Fill in the return application form: We will provide a return application form after you contact us. Please fill it out completely and send it back with the goods.
  2. Refund processing time
    The refund will be completed within 2 working days after we receive the returned goods.
  3. Shipping cost instructions
    Except for product quality issues, the shipping cost of returns caused by personal reasons shall be borne by the customer.
  4. Refund notification
    Once the refund is processed, we will notify you by email, and you can check the refund status in your account.

Thank you for choosing iunmgs.com, and we hope we can provide you with satisfactory service and shopping experience!